Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Meet the speakers: Pedro Rocha Vieira

President Beta-i

With an MsC degree in Business and Administration and after working 3 years in the financial sector, Pedro worked as project manager at Chapitô and he then took part in the Social Entrepreneurship Program at INSEAD, to then co-found the Social Innovation Program.

In 2009, and after a post-graduation in “Foresight, Strategy and Innovation”, Pedro became a freelance consultant and project manager in (social) entrepreneurship and innovation. Pedro was also the Head of Design Response at Experimenta Design, between 2010 and 2011, and he’s a Board Member at the Portuguese Business Angels Association since April 2011. In late 2009 he co-founded Beta-i, a non-profit organization based in Portugal, focused in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Beta-i is responsible for Beta-Talks, TEDxEdges, Silicon Valley comes to Lisbon, SandBox Global Summit, Startup Weekend Portugal, Beta-Start, SeedCamp Lisbon, Founders Institute Lisbon and BetaChallenge. Pedro is also a member of the Kauffman Global Partners Network, the Young Urban Network of the Asian Europe Foundation and the Global Entrepreneurship Forum.

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