Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Meet the speakers: Celso Martinho

General Manager at SAPO

My name is Celso Martinho and I’m a challenge driven, optimistic geek technologist, founder, maker, product guy, and entrepreneurial soul, eventually thrown into a management career (which I’ve learned to enjoy a lot). My Myers-Briggs profile is the INTP type and I was born in the fine year of 1972.

Nineteen years ago, in 1995, me and my colleagues at the University of Aveiro created SAPO, now the leading web portal in Portugal and a technology provider and innovation unit for the PT Portugal group. Since then, It’s been a roller-coaster of new opportunities and experimentation, developing new products and services and seizing growth opportunities in Portugal and other countries, mostly doing work for the web and the telco industries. Click here to know more about SAPO.
Occasionally I’m invited to join the board of other small companies, usually taking an advisory role, and I occasionally accept the provocation. I’ve started and closed a few (startups) too. I have a serious addition to all things 8-bit, arcade and retro computing. Lately I’ve been obsessed with the Maker movement and the emerging Maker communities in Portugal, so eventually I decided to co-organize the first Lisbon Maker Faire and I’m expecting to be around this subject for the upcoming years.

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