Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Meet the speakers: Graça Fonseca

Deputy Mayor for Education, Economy, Innovation at Lisbon City Hall

Graça was born in Lisbon, August 1971. Graduated in Law by the Law Faculty of the Lisbon University, has a master in State and Public Administration Sociology by the University of Coimbra and a PhD in Sociology by ISCTE, Lisbon.

She started her professional career as an investigation assistant of the Social Studies Institute of the Faculty of Economy of the University of Coimbra (1996 to 2000), having interrupted her academic activity in 2000 when she was appointed Vice-Director of the Legislative Policy and Planning Cabinet of the Ministry of Justice. Since 2010, she has returned to the academic activity as an invited teacher of ISCTE in the Public Policy Master. She is the Councilor of Education, Economy, Innovation and Administrative Reform at the Lisbon City Hall, having been elected for the first time in 2009.

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